
Shot fired during chase after aborted robbery near 50th and Chestnut

January 26, 2016

The intended victim of an aborted gunpoint robbery at about 10 p.m. Monday night near 50th and Chestnut decided to chase the suspect, who turned and fired a shot before continuing to flee on foot.

The victim, a 31-year-old male, told police he was walking along the 5000 block of Chestnut when another male put a gun to his back and said, “Give me your money.” When the victim turned, the suspect began walking away, likely because another pedestrian turned onto the block. As the suspect continued walking, the victim shouted that the man was armed and requested that the pedestrian call police. That’s when the suspect, who had a scarf over his face, fired a shot from a small handgun.

The victim continued chasing the suspect and lost sight of him hear 50th and Ludlow, according to a police report.

No injuries were reported.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Harvey Says:

    Just another winner we could all feel proud of!

  2. Sillydelphia Says:

    Feels like spring!

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