
UPDATE: Three teens detained after alleged gunpoint robbery near 44th and Osage

February 4, 2016

Police detained three teens Thursday evening after an alleged gunpoint robbery near 44th and Osage. The robbery was reported at around 7:40 p.m. The victim told police that he was approached by five young males, and “felt a hard object pushed into his back,” according to a police report. The teens took the victim’s phone and fled.

Plainclothes police, who were in the area, were able to catch three of the suspects, all of them 14 years old, after a chase. No firearm was found.

Police were unable to recover the cell phone, which was tracked to the area of 42nd and Haverford and then disabled, according to the report.


7 Comments For This Post

  1. Matt Says:

    7:30 pm? Seems like a well lit and safe area with a lot of foot traffic.

  2. helix Says:

    the area is just full of fresh meat for those who want to take by force. an open opportunity.

  3. Corey Says:

    Yes, Helix, I recommend ninja training for the whole neighborhood. I’m glad that they finally caught someone. Shame that he didn’t have the gun in that he probably won’t be in very serious trouble.

  4. Linda Says:

    At the same time we witnessed a cell phone theft on the 4400 block of Osage. Four or five young teens in dark clothing grabbed a phone from a person on a porch. They ran off at high speed and we immediately called 911. An undercover cop grabbed one of them on the 4400 block of Pine. I’m guessing these two events were done by the same group? As Matt said, there is a lot of foot traffic which is why we were able to call 911 while it was happening and the cops swarmed the area very quickly. Rather than ninja training, I’d recommend keeping your cell phone out of site, being alert and if it happens to you yell loudly so someone else can call 911 quickly.

  5. watchcat Says:

    Again, citizen patrols or other such neighborhood involvement is ultimately the only solution to this. Unless we want to surrender our lives and privacy to omnipresent police cameras.

  6. Osage Resident Says:

    Where are these kid’s parents ? Oh wait…..I mean, where are their mothers ? Maybe if they had any male role models other than rappers and NBA players these “kids” would put their energy towards doing something positive. I guess it’s more fun to rob white people at gun point than it is to stay in their neighborhood, do their homework and not rob white people.
    Please put cameras on every block so the thugs who are robbing people on a very regular basis can be arrested and handles by the Philadelphia judicial system.

  7. Hello! Says:

    If you’re going to post racist trash, you should put your name on it so your neighbors know that you’re racist trash. Why do you even live in this neighborhood? Wouldn’t some lily white suburb be better suited for you?

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