
UPDATE: More turbine testing at Penn; expect loud noise that sounds like jet engine

February 8, 2016

UPDATE (2/8/2016): More steam turbine testing will be conducted on Monday, Feb. 8, from 7 to 11 p.m.

The University of Pennsylvania Division of Facilities and Real Estate Services will conduct steam line venting as part of the Utility Plant upgrade at University Avenue and River Fields Drive, according to an announcement by the Division of Public Safety. This venting is necessary to clean out new steam piping prior to energizing newly installed steam turbines.

Venting will occur at various intervals over a three-day period Tuesday, Feb. 2 through Thursday, Feb. 4, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

Venting will consist of a series of approximately five steam releases into the air from the new steam piping, which will create a high white columnar-like cloud of vaporized water which may look like smoke as it condenses into the cool air. There will be corresponding loud sounds similar to a jet engine. Each duration of venting will be approximately 30 seconds to two minutes.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Nb Says:

    Thanks for the warning… That was loud!

  2. JP Says:

    I saw this in advance and knew it was coming. Glad I was outside when it went down. The terrified looks on everyone’s faces warmed my heart.

  3. Ceci Says:

    Totally thought aliens were hovering over the city, until we checked WPL for news! Not as exciting, but thanks!

  4. Tina Horowitz Says:

    Same here – they really need to get the word out to the neighborhood ahead of time when they do things like this – it was really creepy and scary and no one around knew what was going on. Posting it here is not enough. Maybe signs in the neighborhood would help.

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