
Want to help make The Woodlands more beautiful? Become a Grave Gardener

February 10, 2016

Victorian garden

Victorian Garden at The Woodlands Center Circle (rendering).

In an effort to take The Woodlands cemetery grounds “from eternal rest to garden best,” 20 people are sought to join a newly established garden community, The Grave Gardeners, for the upcoming growing season.

Each Grave Gardener will adopt a grave in the Center Circle of the cemetery and tend to it throughout the season. All the supplies and knowledge you need will be provided, in exchange for your work. At the end of the season, you’ll get a chance to show off your plot to the rest of The Woodlands community at a Garden Fête.

The season will start with three workshops, where The Grave Gardeners will learn how to design a Victorian-style garden and how to keep it beautiful throughout the growing season. The workshops are led by local experts.

The first workshop, “Gardens (and Houses) in Graveyards,” presented by architectural historian and vice president of The Woodlands Aaron Wunsch, will be held on February 25.

So, if you have some free time this spring and summer and are not afraid to get your hands dirty, you’re welcome to fill out an application here:

Application are accepted through Friday, Feb. 12.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Corey Says:

    Is it just me, or are there two ghosts on the left side of the picture?

  2. mr man Says:

    @corey …. I see ghosts… too

    I love this idea!

  3. Kait Says:

    HA! @Corey . That’s the funniest comment I’ve seen on West Philly Local.

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