
New bus route proposed through University City; SEPTA Open House tonight

March 28, 2016

You can get more information on the proposed SEPTA bus route 49, which would connect Brewerytown and Fairmount with Grays Ferry via West Philly’s University City section, at an open house this Monday (March 28) at SEPTA Headquarters, 1234 Market Street.

The Open House is scheduled for 5-6:30 p.m. and will introduce SEPTA’s Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Service Plan, which includes proposals for some new transit services and changes aimed at improving existing services. SEPTA riders, stakeholders and the general public are encouraged to provide feedback regarding the proposals.

The Open House will be held in the Board Room, Mezzanine Level.

For more information on the proposals, or to submit comments, click here

In other SEPTA news, the launch date for the long-anticipated SEPTA Key card payment system, which was expected to roll out in April (over two years behind the initial schedule), is being postponed again. According to PlanPhilly, the launch decision will be made at a meeting on April 15. If the new payment system gets approved, it will be launched in early June. However, SEPTA Key will be introduced gradually, initially replacing monthly and weekly transit passes only. Tokens will still be in use for some time.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Mark Mandel Says:

    Gee, it’s nice to get four hours’ notice of this meeting. It’s not as if I have any plans for this evening or really care about a new bus line through my neighborhood.

  2. Mark Mandel Says:

    It’s not on this page, but the preview version on West Philly Local’s home page says “Posted on Mar 28, 2016 01:04 pm”.

  3. Mark Mandel Says:

    No, the time is just in the email.

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