
Philly Spring Cleanup is Saturday, Apr. 16; Multiple volunteer projects in West Philly

April 7, 2016


The city will hold its 9th annual Spring Cleanup on Saturday, Apr. 16 (rescheduled from Apr. 9 due to inclement weather forecast). More than 800 cleanup projects have been registered throughout the city, including dozens in West Philadelphia. Community involvement is essential and many projects are still seeking volunteers. Residents are also encouraged to step outside their buildings, pick up trash and remove debris or check out empty lots nearby for litter.

To find a registered cleanup project near you and to volunteer, go here or click on the map image below:


In addition to these projects, Philadelphia Free Library branches are also holding Spring Cleanups this Saturday, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. You can find your local branch here

Here’s also information on a couple of local cleanup projects we received from the organizers:

Spring Cleanup in Cedar Park (49th and Baltimore)
9:30 a.m. – Noon
Help needed with: Pruning, planting and general cleanup.
RSVP to Maureen Tate or come at last minute.

Spring Cleanup at Kingsessing Rec Center (5001 Kingsessing Ave)
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Help needed with litter and leaf pickup, sweeping, debris removal around the grounds of Kingsessing Rec Center. Also pruning and mulching trees on the grounds with the help of UC Green.
Sign up here or visit the event’s Facebook page.

And here are some stats from the previous Philly Spring Cleanup:

• Nearly 8 million pounds of trash and recycled materials have been removed
• Nearly 100,000 volunteers have participated in the Philly Spring Cleanup
• The 8th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup in 2015 delivered the most projects for a single Philly Spring Cleanup yet, with more than 723 projects and nearly 1 million pounds of trash removed

1 Comments For This Post

  1. WP Says:

    These clean-ups are helpful to some extent. However, it would be even better if more residents picked up trash on their own streets. The same goes for the parks. Several months ago there was a big clean up at Malcolm X Park on a Saturday with outside volunteers and radio coverage. On Sunday evening it looked like a pigsty. Amazing how much trash is on the ground around trashcans. So I’ll be out there April 16 just like many other days.

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