
Powel School students to march against gun violence, raising funds

April 11, 2016

Samuel Powel Elementary School students and teachers are planning a series of marches against gun violence and are inviting the community to join them.

“4th graders at Powel School… have been studying Gun Violence in our neighborhoods and city this year. They have decided that they wanted to march through our communities to raise awareness about gun violence,” writes teacher Joe Alberti.

The 4th graders at Powel will be marching through Powelton and Mantua on Thursday, April 21 from 1-2 p.m.

They will be marching up 36th St. to Spring Garden, then up 35th St. to Aspen before walking down 37th St. and back to school, located at 301 N. 36th St. The children created fliers about the march to invite neighbors. Here’s one of them: 


​They’ve also created a Go Fund Me page, where they are hoping to fund the transportation costs to visit lawmakers in City Hall and in Harrisburg to speak about sensible gun laws. They’re halfway to their goal of $905 to fund the transportation to and from the marches.

Their big march is in Harrisburg with CeaseFire PA to support the passage of House Bill 1010 which closes loopholes that allow some people to buy guns without background checks.

For more information and to support this great initiative by our young neighbors, visit this page:

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Joanne Says:

    Way to go Teacher Joe!

  2. 4th grader mom Says:

    I had the pleasure of attending the 4th grade poetry slam last week and it was an eye opener to hear the affect gun violence has on these young lives. Dr. Joe and Teacher Chris have done an amazing job giving these students a voice and empowering them to act and raise awareness on an issue so important to the community.

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