
Gush Gallery lives on – at Jinxed West Philly!

April 15, 2016


Work by Tegan Bellitta is currently on display at Gush Gallery at Jinxed (4521 Baltimore Ave.)


Artists Stephanie Slate and Sarah Thielke, co-founders of Gush Gallery, which had to close its location on the 5000 block of Baltimore Ave. last summer due to sustainability issues, are sending some great news: the gallery is very much alive and kicking at a new location in West Philly, also on Baltimore Avenue. Here’s what Stephanie wrote us in an email:


     Sarah Thielke and Stephanie Slate

“Gush Gallery (formerly at 5015 Baltimore Ave) has now teamed up with Jinxed on 4521 Baltimore Ave. Mike, the owner, has graciously offered us to take over the large brick wall in the new location. We have successfully curated two gallery shows from the new space, and have just confirmed upcoming shows with more local artists. We are VERY excited…”

The women have scheduled to have one solo or group show each month. They kicked things off in March with shows by Kate Harrold and Syd Torchio. Currently, Tegan Bellitta’s work is on display, and here is the gallery’s schedule through December, 2016: 

May: Group show with work from Alissa Eberle, Ripley Nichols, Damara the destroyer, and Bryant Vazquez
June: Kirsten Teel
July: Kyle Conhfer
August: Alexis Fish
September: Nikki Virbitsky
October: Halloween themed group show – taking submissions now!
November: Sarah Thielke and Stephanie Slate

Each show will run the entire month and will have an opening reception the first Saturday of each month from 5 – 8 p.m., complete with food and beverage. People will be able to view the work during Jinxed’s normal business hours which are 7 days a week from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.

For more info and photos, check out Gush’s Facebook page or Instagram. Any inquiries, including how to show work should be directed to:

And here is our post about recently opened Jinxed West Philly location, in case you missed it.

(Photos courtesy of Stephanie Slate and Sarah Thielke)

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