
Opportunity to contribute to online history map of West Philly this Tuesday

April 18, 2016

West Philly residents, especially those in Powelton, Mantua, Belmont, Mill Creek, and in the former Black Bottom neighborhoods are invited to a meeting this Tuesday (Apr. 19) to talk about neighborhood history and provide input for an online history map of West Philly. You can bring your old photos and personal stories to share. The meeting will be held at New Africa Center at 4243 Lancaster Avenue, beginning at 6 p.m.

The “Black Bottom” was a predominantly African American neighborhood, located between 40th and 32nd Streets and Powelton Avenue and Curie Boulevard. The neighborhood was mostly razed for urban renewal in the 1960s.


3 Comments For This Post

  1. Devin Says:

    I missed the meeting! Is there is there a person I can contact about the local history map?

  2. Meg Lemieur Says:

    If you weren’t able to attend this meeting but would like to be a part of this process, feel free to contact Kevin Musselman at 267-777-5824 or email him at There will also be more meetings like this one coming up. We don’t have exact details about those meetings yet but will announce them as soon as we can.

  3. Devin Says:

    Thank you, Meg!

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