
Summer CSA programs delivering to West Philly (updated)

April 26, 2016

CSA_hero-496x298As promised, here’s more information about summer Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs that deliver weekly shares of produce and other goods from local farms and suppliers to West Philadelphia.


Greensgrow Farms

Schedule: Mid-May through early November

Pick-up location: 4912 Baltimore Avenue (Greensgrow West)

What’s in the share: A seasonal assortment (5-8 items) of locally grown vegetables; a selection of fruit that reflects the abundance of the season; a dairy/protein option; locally made cheese (8 times during the season); locally produced prepared food, such as beer, pasta or ice-cream. Half-share and add-on share (add cheese, coffee, ice cream or bread) options are available.

Cost: Full share: $800; Half share (pick up every other week): $475.


Red Earth Farm

Schedule: June – November

Pick-up locations: E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House (3533 Locust Walk); 44th and Baltimore.

What’s in the share: Select 10 items weekly for 22 weeks, beginning the first week of June. One item might be any of the following: a large head of lettuce, a quart of tomatoes, a pint of sungold cherry tomatoes, 3-4 eggplants, or 3-4 large bell peppers. Partial shares and add-on shares (cheese, eggs, flowers, fruit, or yogurt/kefir) are available.

Cost: Full share: $635; Partial share (6 items): $451. Other shares: $42.50-$129.


West Philly Foods

Schedule: Mid-May – Mid-October

Pick-up locations: Walnut Hill Community Farm (46th and Market), CHOP Hospital (Abramson Research Center), Renewal Church (47th and Cedar Ave.), University of the Sciences (43rd and Woodland Ave).

What’s in the share: Fruits and veggies – averaging at 10-12 lbs. of produce. Half shares (5-6 lbs. of produce) and value-added shares (jam, beer, cheese, dairy, bread, pastries or whole nut & fruit bars) are available. Some of the items come from the Culinary Center near 48th and Spruce.

Cost: Full share: $640; Half share: $375. Value-added shares: $40-$130


Landisdale Farm

Schedule: June – October

Pick-up locations: Clark Park Farmers Market (43rd and Baltimore), 49th and Larchwood, 42nd and Regent.

What’s in the share: A medium share includes 6-8 items each week. Item 1 may be three peppers. Item 2 may be one bunch swiss chard. And so on… Half shares are available (pick-up every other week).

Cost: Full medium share: $430; half medium share: $260


Lancaster Farm Fresh

Schedule: May – October

Pick-up locations: 34th and Spruce, 37th and Baring, 50th and Osage.

What’s in the share: Large share: 11-12 vegetable items; Medium share: 6-8 items. Other available shares: fruit, chicken, eggs, flowers, herbal medicine, bread, cheese, herb, and meat.

Cost: Large vegetable share: $825; Medium vegetable share: $599. Fruit share: $210. Other shares: $93-$910.


Taproot Farm

Schedule: June – November

Pick-up location: 48th and Chester

What’s in the share: Core Share: 5 vegetable items; Partial Share: 6 vegetable items; Full Share: 10 vegetable items. Additional shares: fruit, eggs, cheese & dairy, or mushrooms.

Cost: Full share: $665; Partial share: $485; Core share: $410. Additional shares: $66-$185.


Crawford Organics

Schedule: Standard: May – August (16 weeks). Early Start: April – August (20 weeks)

Pick-up location: 47th and Baltimore.

What’s in the share: Your weekly box will contain an assortment of in-season fresh vegetables. You will receive between 7 and 10 items each week (8-8.5 average). Additional  shares: eggs, yogurt.

Cost: Standard full share: $524; Standard half share (bi-weekly): $262. Additional shares: $42-$88.


NEW! Philly Foodworks

Schedule: Weekly or bi-weekly

Pick-up locations: Drexel (33rd and Market), Little Baby’s Ice Cream (49th and Catharine), OCF (30th and Chestnut), Philly Homebrew Outlet (1314 S. 47th St.). $5 home delivery.

What’s in the share: Farmer’s Share: Small share: 6-7 vegetables, 1-3 fruit; Large share: 8-10 vegetables, 2-3 fruit. Chef’s Share: 6-7 vegetables, 1-3 fruits, specialty item from Philly Foodworks’ pantry. Add-on shares: meat, yogurt, eggs, cheese, bacon, seafood, soup and more.

Cost: Large Farmer’s Share: $38-43/per week; Small Farmer Share: $28-33/per week’s; Chef’s Share: $38-$42/per week; Your choice share: $28 minimum order.


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