
Mantua re-zoning, gentrification meetings this Thursday

April 27, 2016

Two important community meetings are scheduled for tomorrow in the Mantua neighborhood – on re-zoning and gentrification issues. Residents are encouraged to attend.

MantuarezoningCouncilwoman Jannie Blackwell has scheduled a Mantua community re-zoning meeting for Thursday, April 28 after hundreds of Mantua residents participated in a mass letter-writing campaign to her office. The meeting will take place at Grace Lutheran Church (3529 Haverford Ave.), from 6-7:30 p.m.

At this meeting, residents can share their voice about how development occurs in their community and finalize re-zoning based on priorities that:

1. Promote and protect single family homeownership
2. Focus commercial zoning along highly trafficked corridors
3. Correct zoning for parks, recreation centers, and public-use spaces

The meeting is hosted by the Mantua Civic Association and Mt. Vernon Manor CDC. 

Also on Thursday, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships (3509 Spring Garden St.) in collaboration with the Drexel Black Graduate Student Union, will be hosting its next event in The Remix series, held every 4th Thursday of the month. This event’s topic is Gentrification and will include a panel discussion and conversation that “will energize you no matter where you stand on the issue.” An exciting and interactive program on relevant community issues, as well as food and drinks will be available.

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