
Mural painting this Sunday at Malcolm X Park

May 20, 2016


                          Click to enlarge.

Community members are invited to come by Malcolm X Park (51st and Pine) from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 22 to help paint a mural-in-progress by artists James Burns and Eric Okdeh and to explore the mental health services available to all Philadelphians.

The invitation is part of The City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program Painting a Healthy City, an event from the behavioral health and wellness department, Porch Light.

Painting a Healthy City is a public paint day plus a behavioral health resource fair (inclusive of legal, employment, housing, trauma, counseling, and food insecurity resources), achieving Porch Light’s mission to connect communities in Philadelphia to health and wellness resources in low-stigma environments.

Featured murals this year come from Kirkbride Center and Girard Medical Center’s Goldman Clinic, where Okdeh and Burns have been hosting workshops since October. The artists’ designs draw from participant artwork and stories to create a vibrant picture of recovery, resilience, and hope.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. WP Says:

    Would be interesting to attend but some people still go to church Sunday. I know it might be quaint to many to think that Sunday used to be the Lord’s Day. Anyway what’s wrong with Saturday?

  2. WPL Says:

    The event had been planned for this Saturday, but was moved to Sunday due to rainy weather in the forecast for tomorrow.

  3. watchcat Says:

    Many so-called “mental health awareness” events are heavily supported by the pharmaceutical industry, which shamelessly dispenses drugs to the community to treat dubious “conditions” which serve mainly as a pretext to generate profits. Many of these drugs cause horrific symptoms and near-irreversible dependencies, and have been closely associated with suicide and “senseless” violence, including school shootings. Don’t let this happen to you, your children, or loved ones.

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