
Cedar Park zoning: Plans for sidewalk seating at the Bar(n) mostly supported, concessions made on signs and butts

June 9, 2016


The sidewalk along 49th Street where the Bar(n) hopes to put outdoor seating (photo by West Philly Local).

Residents mostly supported a proposal for outdoor seating at the Bar(n) at 49th and Catharine Streets during a sometimes heated Wednesday evening meeting of the Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) zoning committee.

About 30 people were on hand to hear the Bar(n)’s manager, Tim Blair, describe a plan that would enclose a portion of the sidewalk along 49th Street with planters to create an outdoor seating area that seats about 30 at five or six tables. The area would only be accessible from inside the bar, would be geared mostly toward food service and would close by 10 p.m. nightly.

“More of a place for someone to sit down and have a nice meal,” he said. “It’s not a party spot.”

Wednesday’s meeting will help determine whether the Bar(n)’s application to the city is approved. 

The enclosure would leave about seven feet of sidewalk left for pedestrians, two feet more than the city requires. The plan also includes moving a dumpster that sits along the 49th Street wall further down the street in a fenced-in area near the rear entrance.

Most at the meeting supported the plan, though some asked for assurances that the sidewalk would be swept of cigarette butts and that banners tacked to the Bar(n)’s wall along 49th Street would be removed.

“Just be better neighbors,” said one long-time resident who supported the outdoor seating with some assurances that the area around the Bar(n) would be cleaner. Others went further, asking that existing code violations be rectified and that the exterior be improved.

We’ll keep you posted on the decision. Those who wanted to contribute to this discussion, but couldn’t attend the meeting are encouraged to contact Cedar Park Neighbors.

Mike Lyons

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Hazel Says:

    I hope it works out and they make it nicer than it is now. They are going to have to do some serious power washing for someone to “sit down and have a nice meal” out there. It has been pretty grimy for a long time.

  2. gordon Says:

    Do it. That’s the sketchiest 45 feet in the neighborhood. I have seen people poop in that alley. I can’t imagine that whatever happens would be worse that what is there now.

  3. LW Says:

    Thanks for the link to the regulations. Hopefully they will circulate a copy of their proposal before it goes in to the city.

  4. David Says:

    Maybe they can also fix the leaky pipe coming out of the 2nd floor.

  5. Milk A.D. Says:

    Strictly speaking of sating my appetito on the cheap, I’m tired of scarfing down my egg rolled fried pork and cabbage skins next to that most odorous dumpster on 54th street before my duck sauce can congeal around the edges of the delicately greased filled cratered dough. Hot mustard never really helps although it does keep the krauts off yours and my backs.

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