
Yorkie mix missing from 48th and Hazel (UPDATE: Found!)

June 20, 2016


UPDATE: The dog has been found.

A yorkie mix (under 10 pounds, smaller than a cat) escaped from a backyard on 48th Street between Hazel and Larchwood on Monday at around 5:10 p.m. It’s possible that someone picked him up as he is not wearing a tag. His name is Truman.

“We are dog sitting for the family while they are out of town and he does not know the area. Please let us know if you hear anything,” writes our reader Joanna.

Please call 434-409-7675 or 703-869-4589 with any information. A reward is being offered for finding the dog.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Kelly Says:

    so glad he has been found!!!

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