
‘The Birds’ to open Curio’s 2016-2017 season

September 23, 2016


Photo by Rebecca Gudelunas

OK, now here is something to look forward to as the days get shorter and the leaves begin to fall. Curio Theatre Company will be staging The Birds in October.

Yes, we’re talking Hitchcock (based on Daphne du Maurier’s novelette, of course). Irish playwright Conor McPherson’s play builds on the story of birds gone wild as three people retreat to an abandoned farmhouse, where relationships begin to unravel. As it becomes clear that the birds are a signal of the apocalypse, the rules of society change.

While it shares its name with du Maurier’s work, which was set in her native Cornwall, England, and Hithcock’s frightening film, McPherson’s work charts its own course that includes explorations of human frailty under extreme duress. 

Curio’s performance features Rich Bradford, Curio founding member Aetna Gallagher, Tessa Kuhn and Ken Opdenaker.

Preview performances are on Oct. 5 and 6 and the play opens on Oct. 7 and runs through Oct. 29. All performances begin at 8 p.m.. Because of the special set design for the staging, there is limited seating available and there will be no late seating. Buy tickets online here.

Also, a reminder that Curio Theatre School starts Saturday, Sept. 24. Classes are held on Saturdays, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Click here for more information.


1 Comments For This Post

  1. SwinFam Says:

    This sounds downright spooky, and neat! The cage door opens. Great fun around Halloween time.

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