
Volunteers sought for ‘Love Your Park’ Fall Service Day

October 24, 2016

lyp-f16-postcard-image-no-logosThe annual “Love Your Park” Fall Service Day is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 12, and Philadelphia Parks and Rec is now recruiting volunteers who can help clean, green and celebrate Philly’s parks. Overall, 2,000 volunteers are needed to help plant trees, collect leaves for compost, clean up trash and litter, and more.

There are many beautiful parks in West Philly, and volunteers can sign up to participate in the fall service day in their neighborhood park. Kids, families and large groups are welcome.

Go to or call (215) 683-3689 for participating parks and to register.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. WPNeighbor Says:

    I have nothing but respect for Clark Park, I am disturbed by the constant number of flyers hung up that are over saturating the park.

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