
Meet Penn Alexander School’s new principal at Spruce Hill Community Association annual meeting on Nov. 15

November 4, 2016

Community members are invited to attend the big annual meeting of the Spruce Hill Community Association on Nov. 15 at the Penn Alexander School (43rd and Locust).logo-wide

Penn Alexander’s new principal, Michael Farrell, will address the meeting, which will be held in the school’s cafeteria. Farrel took over from founding principal Sheila Sydnor this fall. Read more about him here.

SHCA board members will also present the association’s activities over the year during the meeting and hold elections for a new board. Eric Santoro, SHCA’s current president, is running unopposed for a second one-year term. Election will also be held for four other officer positions and 10 board posts. Biographical information for those running will be available at the meeting.

Light snacks and refreshments will be served beginning at 7 p.m., and the meeting will start at 7:30 p.m.

Membership in SHCA is open to everyone. Dues are $20 per year.

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