
Election Day! Here are some things to keep in mind as you head to the polls

November 8, 2016


A reminder to vote posted near The Woodlands on Woodland Avenue.

In case you hadn’t heard, today is election day. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Registered voters who are in line at 8 p.m. will be allowed to vote. Check on your voter registration status here and find your polling place here.

Other than the presidency, the seats on this year’s ballot include (from the non-partisan Committee of Seventy):

• One of PA’s two seats in the U.S. Senate

• All 18 PA seats in the U.S. House of Representatives
James Roebuck (D) is running unopposed in the 188th District and Vanessa Lowery Brown (D) is running opposed in the 190th. 

• The entire PA House of Representatives (203 seats)

• Half of the 50 seats in the PA Senate
Incumbent Vincent Hughes (D) is running unopposed in District 7, which includes much of West Philly.

• The state’s three row offices: Attorney General, Auditor General and Treasurer

Just a note on your rights as a voter. As a registered voter, you have the right to (from the Committee of Seventy):

• Vote privately and free from coercion, intimidation or harassment. Campaigning of any kind and the distribution of buttons, flyers or other partisan literature is strictly prohibited inside the polling place.

• Access to interpreters (live and/or telephonic) at all polling places if you are a Limited-English Proficient citizen.

• Request help from anyone you choose if you are disabled or need language assistance in order to vote; however, the person assisting cannot be your employer or union representative.

• Ask election officials about voting procedures. Rules and resources are in place to ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot privately and independently. If you have a question, ask!

• Cast a Provisional (paper) Ballot if, for any reason, you are unable to use the voting machines. Provisional Ballots are a fail-safe option to ensure no voter is disenfranchised due to a question regarding their eligibility. All ballots are counted following verification that the voter was properly registered.

Report issues or problems encountered at the polling place to the Philadelphia County Board of Elections at 215-686-1590.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Vote4BizMan Says:

    As an undecided voter, it’s just a thrill to have been tuned into this election cycle. I will spend the day weighing the issues and trying to determine who’s stance is more genuine and more honest. Who has knowledge and experience creating jobs and construction projects. Who has experience with making deals and educated in negotiations. The game is afoot! Congrats to both and I look forward to voting later on today 🙂

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