
New 41st Street Bridge opens to traffic

November 16, 2016

The rebuilt 41st Street Bridge, connecting Mantua Avenue and Poplar Street over train tracks, has reopened to traffic today.

The old, deteriorating bridge, which closed in 1994, was completely removed and replaced with a new, two-span structure with architectural concrete parapets and fencing. The project began in May 2015. The new bridge opened one month ahead of its December 2016 projection completion date.

The new roadway includes two travel lanes with wide shoulders and sidewalks, new street lighting, signing, line striping, ADA curb ramps, and enhanced safety features, such as the realignment of the Mantua Avenue and 41st Street intersection.

Construction cost $10.8 million and was financed with 80% federal and 20% state/Act 26 funds.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Fran Berge Says:

    What good news!

    80% federal funding surprises me! Thank you federal government for a meaningful infrastructure project done even ahead of schedule!

    Fran B.

  2. Robert Says:

    Imagine if they had divided all of those federal dollars up amongst the local residents. Or provided some infrastructure to ease the poverty. Or a grocery store. Instead they provided more access for suburbanites working the Eds and Meds economy. Perhaps they’ll also raise the speed limit through the the neighborhood so these folks won’t have to feel uneasy driving through

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