
Series of armed robberies reported in Spruce Hill, Garden Court (Update: Suspect arrested)

January 17, 2017

UPDATE (Thursday, Jan. 19): A suspect was detained Tuesday near 40th and Walnut, according to police. At approximately 11 a.m., one of the robbery victims observed a male in the area who he recognized as the male who had robbed him earlier that morning. He called 911, and the male was stopped by responding officers and positively identified by the victim. The male was later identified as 56-year-old Larry Brown. He was arrested and charged with robbery, terroristic threats and related offenses.

Police are investigating a series of gunpoint robberies that took place between 8:30 p.m. on Monday and 7:05 a.m. on Tuesday between 43rd and 47th Streets and Spruce St. and Cedar Ave. A total of four robberies were reported, and police believe they were committed by the same suspect, described as a black male, about 5 feet, 6 inches, with a thin build and a beard, wearing a maroon hooded sweatshirt, shorts, and spandex tights.

The first robbery took place in Garden Court at about 8:30 p.m. on Monday when a 38-year-old woman was approached by an unknown male on Pine St. between 46th and 47th. The man showed the woman a gun and demanded her purse which contained her cell phone, debit/credit cards, checkbook and cash. The man also indecently assaulted the woman before fleeing in an unknown direction, according to a police report.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. MJ Says:

    I’m sure the guy discarded my black laptop bag in the neighborhood somewhere after he took the valuables. It looks like this:;maxHeight=1000;maxWidth=1000

    If anyone finds it, please let me know in the comments here. I don’t have a phone right now. Thank you.

  2. WP Says:

    @MJ – Sorry that you had to experience that and hope it will not sour you on the neighborhood. It is a great place to live but considered “target rich” with lowlife predators roaming at times. I am a little surprised that he could strike 4 times in one night without beefed up undercover police or reported on community message boards (maybe I missed it). It seems that a guy with that description with his spandex tights would arouse some suspicion late at night. I live in the neighborhood and walk nightly, armed (full disclosure: I have a carry permit and have worked in criminal justice). I’m not suggesting everyone do that. I’m not looking for trouble but want to be prepared just in case. I would surrender my wallet and phone if alone rather than shoot someone and hope I will never need to defend my life.

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