
West Philly reacts to Trump’s Travel Ban

January 30, 2017

After President Trump administration issued the temporary Travel Ban for the citizens coming from seven majority-Muslim countries, many West Philly residents and a number of local groups participated in the Philadelphia airport protests over the weekend. We’re posting some photos and tweets from the airport and from around the neighborhood. Also, check out this recent story by on West Philly’s interfaith immigrant rights group, the New Sanctuary Movement.

Photo by Elaine Fultz.


9 Comments For This Post

  1. cindy Says:

    We are NOT all immigrants.
    Indigenous people were here first and had their land stolen.
    Black people were kidnapped and forced to come here.
    Please study b/f you become politically active.

  2. goldenmonkey Says:

    Did the “indigenous people” sprout up out of the ground? Or did they IMMIGRATE to the Americas? And I’ll have to tell my Nigerian friend who came over to America 15 years ago that he was kidnapped. It will be news to him.

    Please study before you tell others how to think.

  3. West Says:

    Memo to goldenmonkey

    Q: Did the “indigenous people” sprout up out of the ground? Or did they IMMIGRATE to the Americas?

    A: Sarcasm nothwistanding, neither answer is correct.

    2nd point: “And I’ll have to tell my Nigerian friend who came over to America 15 years ago that he was kidnapped. It will be news to him”

    Response: Nobody cares what you tell your Nigerian friend.

    3rd point.

    Please study before you tell others how to think.

    Response: Kindly see irony in your own statement (hint hint) telling others how to think. Then go away. Over the last, I don’t know how long, your comments have become more unnervingly scathing. Unseemly.

  4. West Says:


    Q: Did the “indigenous people” sprout up out of the ground? Or did they IMMIGRATE to the Americas?

    A: Sarcasm notwithstanding, neither answer is correct.

    2nd point: “And I’ll have to tell my Nigerian friend who came over to America 15 years ago that he was kidnapped. It will be news to him”

    Response: Nobody cares what you tell your Nigerian friend.

    3rd point.

    Please study before you tell others how to think.

    Response: Kindly see irony in your own statement (hint hint) telling others how to think. Then go away. Over the last, I don’t know how long, your comments have become more unnervingly scathing. Unseemly.

  5. WP Says:

    What is being protested? Temporary ban on travel from seven nations hostile to US, civil wars, or jihad. It’s about terrorism not a religion. Interesting that the world’s most populous Muslim nations are exempt – Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, India, etc. Or that there is precedent for this. Or is it about Trump? I do admit it was a clumsy roll out and some innocent people were mistreated in the confusion. Doesn’t mean it’s bad policy.

  6. West Says:

    beware the troll who bears three names.

  7. marqem Says:

    Yahoo! News:
    How Many Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. Have Been Carried Out by Immigrants from the 7 Banned Muslim Countries?

    “Numerous foreign-born individuals have been convicted or implicated in terrorism-related crimes since September 11, 2001,” the order states. “The United States must be vigilant during the visa-issuance process to ensure that those approved for admission do not intend to harm Americans and that they have no ties to terrorism.”

    According to the Washington Post and Bloomberg, Trump’s ban did not include any of the Muslim-majority countries where the Trump Organization — which is now being run by his sons — holds business interests. Those countries reportedly include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, the U.A.E. and Azerbaijan.

    Of this list, zero fatal attacks were carried out by immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by the ban. Two attacks were carried out by individuals with ties to the seven countries: the 2006 UNC SUV attack, and the 2016 Ohio State University attack. Neither of those plots resulted in American deaths.

  8. goldenmonkey Says:

    Hey West, if you keep clutching your pearls that hard you’ll choke yourself.

    So go for it.

  9. watchcat Says:

    Why was Saudi Arabia not included? This makes any explanation for this action b.s.

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