
Holy Week at St. Francis de Sales to kick off with ancient choral meditation on Tuesday. All are welcome

April 10, 2017

Holy Week services and events at St. Francis de Sales Parish (4625 Springfield Ave.) kick off on Tuesday, April 11 with Tenebrae – a prayer in shadows.

The Latin word for “shadows” or “darkness,” tenebrae is the name given to the Church’s celebration of the Hours of Matins and Lauds for Holy Week. Nowadays, it’s often used as a “choral preparation” or meditation on the themes of the Passion. Psalms and hymns of lament are read and sung, and a great number of composers have written some beautiful meditative pieces for this rite.

All are welcome to join the Choir of St. Francis de Sales for this solemn and ancient choral meditation with the music of Palestrina, Garau, Byrd, and other composers in preparation for the Good Friday.

The concert begins at 7 p.m. and no collection will be taken or donations asked. For more information, go here. For information on other Holy Week events and services at St. Francis de Sales Church and some other local churches, visit our Events page.

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