
Better bike lanes? Learn more about Chestnut Street Transportation Project at tonight’s open house

April 19, 2017

Chestnut Street is one of the busiest streets in West Philadelphia with three lanes of eastbound traffic with cars often zooming by at high speeds. This Wednesday evening (Apr. 19), the City is hosting an open house on a proposed Chestnut Street transportation project that will help protect bicyclists and pedestrians between 34th and 45th Streets.

The following safety-enhancing features are being proposed:

• Adding a parking protected bicycle lane to the north side of the street with flexible delineator posts
• Shortening the pedestrian crossing distance with painted pedestrian islands
• Calming vehicle speeds by reducing the number of through traffic lanes
• Adding right-turn lanes at appropriate locations

The open house will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Enterprise Center (4548 Market St.).

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Cork Says:

    Chestnut Street has 3 lanes in that section, and goes eastbound…?

  2. Tee Says:

    Good and safer move for Chestnut to mirror Walnut’s lane configuration, though it doesn’t make much sense to me why the bike lane would be on the north side of the street when the bike lane is on the south side of the street east of 32nd… as is the “no car” deathtrap lane in center city. Sounds like the making for a dangerous cross-over for bikes on the block where everyone drives 40-50mph downhill.

  3. Joe Says:

    No need to calm anyone, how about posting 85th percentile speed limits? All this nonsense will cause more crashes and create delays.

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