
Spruce Hill May Fair is May 13: Vendors tables available for West Philly artists, crafters, community groups (updated)

April 26, 2017

may fairThe annual Spruce Hill May Fair will be held on Saturday, May 13 at Clark Park and, as always, will feature tons of fun activities for children, live music performances, unique handmade items for sale by local artists and craftspeople, food from some of the top vendor trucks, book and plant sales, and the usual raffle with great prizes from local merchants.

The May Fair is also an opportunity for West Philly groups looking to do community outreach to interact with the public. Currently, the Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) has vendor tables available for local non-profits, artists and crafters. 

Tables for non-profits are $30, or $40 for vendors and groups that are selling wares. There will be a special rate of $25 a table for West Philly artists and crafters who are appearing at a fair for the first time.

Interested individuals or groups are asked to call and leave a message at 215-349-7825 or email: The registration form can also be downloaded here. Application deadline is Friday, April 28.

More information about the Spruce Hill May Fair can be found on the SHCA website.

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