
Community pressure forces officers who shot unarmed pizza deliveryman out of West Philly

May 2, 2017

Two police officers who shot an unarmed pizza deliveryman in 2014 have been transferred out of West Philly after pressure from neighborhood groups.

Officers Mitchell Farrell and Kevin Hanvey had resumed street patrol after a suspension for shooting Philippe Holland, who was delivering food near 51st and Willows on the evening of April 22, 2014. Farrell and Hanvey were in plain clothes and investigating a robbery in the area when they approached Holland with their guns drawn. Fearing a robbery, Holland ran to his car and tried to drive away. The officers opened fire, hitting Holland in the head and leg. Police regulations prohibit shooting at a moving vehicle. A total of 14 shots were fired, according to investigators.

After a three-year investigation, Hanvey and Farrell were suspended for 25 days and were back on the streets. A joint letter from Cedar Park Neighbors, Cobbs Creek Neighbors, Garden Court Community Association and Walnut Hill Community Association dated April 28 asking the Philadelphia Police Department to fire the two officers prompted the transfer. 

The letter reads (see the complete letter below):

“We do not understand why these two officers are still with the Philadelphia Police Department. We are astounded that the Police Department is willing to allow these two officers to patrol our neighborhoods. We are very uncomfortable and frightened that these two officers are on our streets. They have demonstrated that they are not good police and must be held accountable.”

Mitchell was transferred to Northeast Philly and Hanvey is in South Philly, according to

Earlier this year Holland, who was critically wounded and endured a long recovery process, won a $4.4 million lawsuit against the city.

Joint letter from community organizations to PPD’s 18th District (click to enlarge).

3 Comments For This Post

  1. christina Says:

    “The officers opened fire, hitting Holland in the head and leg. Police regulations prohibit shooting at a moving vehicle.”

    well i’m certainly glad that cops don’t have to abide by police regulations anymore! that sure makes me feel better!

  2. red dog Says:

    the tone of this article almost seems like getting these cowboy cops out of west Philly is some type or victory and we should be glad. If it is a victory its a very, very small one in light of what happened to Holland and what didn’t happen to the cops.

    Dollars to donuts (we are talking about cops here) that within the year the unpaid suspensions the killer cops received will be overturned and they will be “awarded” back pay, with interest and related costs, and the City won’t appeal the decision. This will mean that the cops would have effectively been given a 25 day paid vacation for ending Holland’s normal life as he knew it and nearly killing him.
    What a system.

  3. gordon Says:

    Red dog – perfect is the enemy of the good. We gotta start somewhere.

    But yes, the police should be ashamed at what their union negotiators will get. As long as you don’t commit sexual crimes on video with a baby, you can’t get fired from the PPD.

    Maybe if the PPD would take some pride in who is in their ranks, they would be respected by the neighborhood more.

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