
Big fundraiser next Saturday (May 20) to help West Philly cats and kittens

May 10, 2017

Project MEOW, a West Philly-based non-profit, has been helping lost or abandoned cats and kittens to find new homes for 10 years since its inception in 2007. Project MEOW volunteers have also been helping to control local feral cat population through their Trap-Neuter-Return program. On Saturday, May 20, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., the organization that is mostly funded by donations is holding its first fundraiser at Greensgrow West (5123 Baltimore Ave.).

The event will feature wine, non-alcoholic drinks, and hors d’oeuvres from local businesses as well as live music. A variety of exciting items will be up for auction, including Phillies tickets, Barnes Foundation guest passes, and gift certificates from area restaurants. Raffle tickets for the auction will be available for purchase at the event and door prizes will be awarded. A playpen full of kittens will be there as well for your amusement! 

Tickets for the event are $25 and can be purchased online. Those who would like to help Project MEOW but can’t attend the fundraiser, can make monetary donations here.

And here are a few more facts about Project MEOW, which actually means “Make Every One Wanted”:

  • The organization helps about 800-900 cats per year and has about 200 caregivers in their database.
  • Project MEOW is all-volunteer organization, it has no staff or physical building
  • Most of Project MEOW members live or work in West Philly.

For more information, visit:

5 Comments For This Post

  1. red dog Says:

    honest question—-is the number of cats loose outdoors getting better, meaning on a year to year basis, is the number of outdoor cats dropping?

  2. Christina Says:

    Hi dog
    In some neighborhoods yes, absolutely the number is dropping. It can take time but over 10 years you really see the trends. But of course lots of cats run away and also get dumped, and end up on the street so that’s an issue that gets in the way of making a graph look nice.

  3. Greg Avakian Says:

    Got my told and I’m really looking forward to this event!

  4. jo Says:

    Hi Red Dog – Having lived in the 50th and Baltimore area for over 10 years, I can say that, without a doubt, the number of stray cats on my block is far less than when I first arrived.

  5. red dog Says:

    Thanks for the answers. I realize there isn’t a yearly ‘count’ so your thoughts help. Cats are, whether you love them or not, having a serious impact on birds, and with birds since they aren’t, or don’t star off as pets, there are no other options for them. Meaning, if we are concerned with birds the answer isn’t to invite them into our homes. I just don’t understand people who allow their cats to run loose outdoors.

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