
Great volunteer turnout at Barkan Park spring cleanup

May 22, 2017

Due to bad weather, many local park cleanups scheduled for May 13 as part of the Love Your Park week had to be postponed. So, much to the delight of the Friends of Barkan Park, the organizer of the spring clean-up and planting event in this small park located at 50th and Spruce, a lot of volunteers showed up for the rescheduled event on Saturday, May 20. 

“In the morning, a group of preschoolers and their parents worked hard on clearing the east end of the park — netting 26 bags of weeds and vines!” writes Mark Mendenhall, Friends of Barkan Park member. “In the afternoon, an energetic contingent of 16 members of Drexel University’s Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity weeded and mulched and spruced up the rest of the park so that it will sparkle and shine going into the summer. Thank you to all the volunteers who do so much to make our park beautiful.”

(Photos courtesy of Friends of Barkan Park)

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Great! Says:

    This looks great! Does Friends of Barkan Park have a website or an email list, it would have been great to know that Barkan Park was participating in Love Your Park Week. Imagine how many bags could have been collected and how many people in the neighborhood could have participated if we had only known!

  2. Mark Krull Says:

    WOW! Its great to see Friends of Barkan Park thriving. I was a member of the friends of Barkan Park until 2003 when I moved to New Jersey. I am back in Philly. Congratulations!!!!

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