
Interested in solar power for your home? Attend Cedar Park Neighbors meeting on Monday, July 17

July 12, 2017

West Philly residents have an opportunity to learn more about solar power for their homes at an upcoming Cedar Park Neighbors meeting at the Calvary Center (48th and Baltimore). The meeting will be held on Monday, July 17 from 7 – 8 p.m.

In an effort to make solar power more affordable for all Philadelphians and to provide solar installation training at the School District, a special city-run program, Solarize Philly, has been recently created as part of the Philadelphia Energy Authority. Representatives from Solarize Philly will be at the meeting to explain how the program works and to answer questions.

The program has already been picking up steam in the city, including in West Philadelphia. 

“To date, several hundred homeowners have already signed up for more information in West Philly… Citywide, 1300 homeowners have signed up and we are close to signing our first contracts to install systems,” writes Philadelphia Energy Authority Program Manager and West Philly resident Alon Abramson.

The program has vetted three local solar installers. The installer who will be assigned to work in West Philly will also be on hand at the meeting.

More information about the program can be found at:, and here’s a Facebook event for Monday’s presentation.

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