
Construction on Chestnut Street Transportation Project to begin Monday, Aug. 7

August 4, 2017

The Philadelphia Street Department will begin work on the Chestnut Street Transportation Project on Monday, Aug. 7. The project includes several roadway enhancements to improve safety for all types of travel along Chestnut Street from 45th to 34th Streets, including the City’s first one-way parking protected bicycle lane.

Chestnut Street Transportation Project flyer (click to enlarge).

Chestnut Street is one of the busiest streets in the city with high volumes of pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic. From 2011 – 2015, 75 percent of the crashes on Chestnut Street happened between 45th and 34th Street, so the purpose of the project is to improve safety along this stretch for all modes for all transportation modes and pedestrians.  The project involves shortening the crossing distance for pedestrians walking, installing the one-way parking protected bicycle lane, and removing one motor vehicle travel lane, according to an announcement by the Streets Department.

Construction is expected to take about three weeks and there will be intermittent lane closures and parking restrictions for the duration of the project. Flaggers will be on hand to direct traffic and “No Parking” signs will be posted. 

The project is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development through a Multimodal Transportation Fund award. An informational flyer has been distributed to alert residents along the corridor (see image).

In April, residents got a chance to learn more about the project, ask questions and provide input at an open house hosted by the City.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. chrstia Says:

    Does anyone know whetehr Chesnut will remain open to traffica t all times, so that bus riders can catch the bus and not have to walk to a detour stop?

  2. Philly Acey Says:

    I don’t mind losing a lane of traffic along Chestnut. I do, however, mind losing a loading zone in front of the new Beilers, which I understand is part of the project. We just got the Beilers! Is there some compromise for doughnut loving citizens such as myself? 6 a.m.-10 a.m loading zones? 10 minutes max? Again I don’t mind losing a lane on Chestnut as I am pro-bike. But I am also pro-doughnut.

  3. LW Says:

    This is a good idea. This bike lane is currently very much a ‘free double parking lane’ for vehicles.

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