
Proposed 3-unit building with ground floor commercial on 5000 block of Baltimore gets tentative community approval

September 20, 2017

Public response was generally favorable during a Cedar Park Neighbors zoning committee meeting on Tuesday toward a proposed three-unit building with ground floor commercial space on a vacant lot on the 5000 of Baltimore Avenue.

The building, which would occupy a vacant lot at 5047 Baltimore Ave., requires approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment because it will exceed the two apartments allowed under the zoning code. One of those apartments will include basement bedrooms, which allowed the developer to keep the building within the zoning code’s height requirements. The other two units would include two and three bedrooms each. 

Facade materials would include brick on the first floor and a mix of stucco and metal panels on the upper floors.

A tenant has not been secured for the commercial space, but the developer told committee members that an architect and insurance company are interested in the proposed space. He said he would not rent the space to a restaurant nor an establishment that served alcohol.

The building would occupy one of two adjacent vacant lots. The other, owned by the city, would remain empty.

A majority of  community members in attendance voted in favor of the proposal. The hearing date before the ZBA is scheduled for Sept. 27 at 4:30 p.m.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Amara Rockar Says:

    CPN Zoning Committee Letter for 5047 Baltimore Avenue:

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