
New mixed-use building proposal at 40th and Market to be presented at upcoming Spruce Hill Zoning meeting

October 27, 2017

The next Spruce Hill Community Association Zoning Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 30. Residents are invited to learn more about two proposed constructions in the area – at 4125 Chestnut and 4000 Market Streets.

Rendering of one version of the proposed building at 4125 Chestnut Street.

A 130-unit, six-story residential building, which is a “by right” development, will replace the “Wash N Lube” car wash at 4125 Chestnut St. The project was presented to the Spruce Hill community last month at the previous zoning committee meeting. “By right” means that the project is not required to go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA). However, it will go before the Committee on Design Review (CDR) at the Philadelphia Planning Commission. The CDR requires that the applicant meet with the designated convening RCO for the site – Spruce Hill Community Association.  

At the September meeting, building contractor Vaughan Buckley provided a sneak peak at the two possible building types – both are pre-fab, modular buildings – and the zoning committee offered some suggestions for consideration. On Monday, zoning meeting attendees will get a chance to take a look at the document prepared by the developers for the CDR.

A 24-unit residential building with ground floor commercial space is being proposed for 4000 Market Street. This project was discussed at a meeting of the West Powelton/Saunders Park zoning committee on October 12th. A change in the convening registered community organization (RCO) status has resulted in the case being re-assigned to Spruce Hill. Results of the West Powelton/Saunders Park zoning meeting will also be shared on Monday.

All interested neighbors and residents are invited to attend Monday’s meeting and ask questions and offer comments.

The meeting will take place at the SHCA office, 257 S. 45th Street, beginning at 7 p.m.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. James Says:

    4125 was supposed to be built with 11 or 12 stories by right and it was suddenly redacted to 6 stories maximum. Why would the developer make such a change if he has a by right to build without having to go to the ZBA?

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