
Mayor Kenney to talk about Provident Insurance building’s future at SHCA’s annual meeting on Tuesday

November 13, 2017

Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney will be a featured speaker at an upcoming Spruce Hill Community Association’s annual meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14 at the Penn Alexander School Cafeteria (43rd and Locust). The mayor will address the future of the former Provident Mutual Life Insurance Building at 4601 Market (pictured).

The site was chosen by former mayor Michael Nutter administration for the new police headquarters and has been undergoing renovations since 2014. But, the Kenney administration canceled the plans to relocate the Police Headquarters to the site in the spring of 2017. In August, the city began seeking a new developer for the site

Tuesday’s meeting is also a great opportunity to learn more and ask questions about Drexel University’s education initiatives in West Philadelphia, including Drexel’s plans for a new public school in University City and the Promise Zone grant process. Lucy Kerman, Drexel’s Sr. vice provost for University Community Partnerships, will be a second featured speaker at the meeting. Through the Promised Zone grant, Drexel is working with seven local schools, including West Philly High.

There will also be updates on SHCA’s activities over the last year, and election of officers and board members. All five officers and 10 board members will be chosen, with bios of all the candidates available at the meeting.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and all interested community members are invited.


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