
Hop on Winter Express Shoppers’ Trolley this Saturday: Shop locally and learn neighborhood history

November 29, 2017

It has become a solid holiday tradition in West Philly: The Winter Express Shoppers’ Trolley will be back this Saturday, Dec. 2, touring Baltimore and Lancaster Avenues. This is a great opportunity to visit dozens of local businesses and to get a head start on your holiday shopping (while keeping your money in your neighborhood). Many participating businesses will be offering discounts off their retail items and other special offers.

Here’s how you can get on this trolley: 

The trolley tours will begin at noon at 52nd and Baltimore and will continue until 5 p.m. with the following schedule: departing 52nd and Baltimore on the hour; departing 35th and Lancaster on the half hour.

While riding the trolley you can also learn about the business corridor and neighborhood history from the conductor/guide Scott Maits.

Trolley rides are free in both directions.

The event is organized by Baltimore Avenue Business Association (BABA) and Lancaster Avenue 21st Century Business Association.

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