
ReAnimator Coffee opens in Garden Court Plaza

March 12, 2018

If you are one of those who were patiently waiting for this coffee shop to open in Garden Court Plaza on the 4700 block of Pine Street, the wait is finally over. Kensington-based coffee shop, ReAnimator Coffee, opened its West Philly location this past weekend. The shop is run by co-founders Mark Capriotti and Mark Corpus, who had been supplying Mariposa Food Co-op with bulk coffee beans for a while and also operate cafes in Fishtown and the Graduate Hospital neighborhood. You can read more about them in our earlier post here

ReAnimator Coffee West Philly shop’s hours are: Mon-Fri: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Sat-Sun: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Photos by Elaine Fultz.

6 Comments For This Post

  1. LW Says:

    Cool! 6 is an early close though. I imagine they would get a ton of after work traffic from local apartment dwellers.

  2. mordechai Says:

    bummer. wish it never opened. foh

  3. LW Says:

    Why, mordechai?

  4. goldenmonkey Says:

    Because people with a few coins to rub together can sit and enjoy a coffee. And others can purchase “boojie” coffee despite the fact that it’s been sold for quite some time at Mariposa Co-op.

    In other words, jealousy.

  5. dan Says:

    Easy to criticize that a particularly business does not suit your income level. Hard to run a business.

    I’m glad that some enterprise is there.

  6. Chainsaw Mack Says:

    I want tacos, not coffee but I wish them luck.

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