
Construction of 3.0 University Place building expected to begin this year

May 16, 2018

3.0 University Place rendering (via

It looks like the developers are finally ready to proceed with the construction of 3.0 University Place at 41st and Market, five years after the project was announced.

Construction site at 41st and Market (Photo West Philly Local). 

This environmentally-friendly office building is on the way from University Place Associates, the developers behind the 2.0 University Place building at 41st and Powelton. 3.0 University Place is being built where the old Pep Boys used to be at 41st and Market St. The developers tout the new building’s LEED v4 Platinum environmental certification, and claim that tenants can take advantage of energy- and water-efficient systems, as well as cleaned and filtered indoor air.

3.0 University Place is the latest in the trend towards upscale, tech-oriented buildings pushing ever westwards into West Philadelphia, following developments like Cira SouthSchuylkill Yards, 3675 Market, the Pennovation Center, Campus Commerce Center, and Penn Medicine’s Center for Healthcare Technology

The 3.0 University Place building will offer 132,000+ square-feet of office space (or, in the developer’s parlance, “innovation space”) spread across four floors, and 32,000 square-feet of ground floor mixed-use retail space anticipated to include a food court, fitness space and senior center.

Developer Scott Mazo says that he anticipates breaking ground by the end of this year, with an estimated completion date of sometime in 2019.

Mike VanHelder

7 Comments For This Post

  1. Mike Lynch Says:

    I’ve always thought of that intersection as 42nd and Market.

    Maybe it’s both. 😉

  2. Lester Wiggs Says:

    I hope they have some lunch places in there. I think they need to make 41st two way for that block also. Plus its really 41st and filbert. Am I right?

  3. Corey Says:

    4100 powelton ave.

  4. WPL Says:

    It’s between 41st and 42nd and Market.

  5. Hermes Says:

    This reminds me….whatever happened to the Provident Mutual building…last I heard (August-2017) was that our esteemed leaders had a search for new developers and would announce news “early 2018″….I guess May is too early?

  6. LW Says:

    Regarding the Provident Mutual Building, the City /just/ realized that they are not allowed to see the parking the lots that are on the site:

    obviously will impact any submitted proposals in a big way.

  7. Hermes Says:


    thanks for the link…

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