
Buses to replace SEPTA Route 13 Trolley for a week beginning this Friday

June 5, 2018

SEPTA will conduct a track renewal project on a portion of its Route 13 trolley line from June 8 – June 15, 2018. The project will take place on Chester Avenue between 65th and 66th Streets, on the eastbound and westbound tracks. During the track renewal project, buses will replace trolleys along the Route 13 from Darby Transportation Center (9th and Main Streets) to the 40th Street Trolley Portal. Passengers can board any Route 11, 34, or 36 trolley for service between the 40th Street Portal and Center City. 

Construction will begin at 8 p.m. on Friday, June 8. The project will start at 65th Street and progress west. Through lanes on Chester Avenue will be closed to all traffic, with the exception of emergency vehicles. Both parking lanes at 65th Street and Chester Avenue will also be closed for the duration of the project.

The tracks in this area were installed in the 1980s. The street structure supporting the tracks has deteriorated due to weather, traffic and the age of the road surface. SEPTA will excavate and replace track and repave the track area.

Just a reminder that SEPTA has also been using buses to replace Route 36 trolleys since March 18 due to trolley track replacement on Elmwood Avenue between 59th and 65th Streets. This project is expected to be completed by June 9.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. ggottlieb Says:

    I believe the Route 36 shuttle bus is supposed to continue until the bridge on Woodland Avenue over the Media/Elwyn tracks is finished being rebuilt, which probably isn’t until next year.

  2. Gamik El Says:

    You guys should fix up or make an terminus outlet at Darby Transportation Center for Route 13?

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