
Narcan training at Walnut West Library amid a brewing OD problem in West Philly

June 26, 2018

A potent mix of cocaine and the synthetic opioid fentynyl led to at least 20 overdoses in West Philly in the past two weeks, including two deaths, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. There weren’t more deaths in part due to the administration of Narcan, the overdose reverser that is saving lives across the city. If you want to learn how to administer it, here’s a good opportunity.

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health is offering “overdose awareness and reversal training” at the Walnut Street West Library (40th and Walnut) on Wednesday, June 27 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and again on July 11 and 25 and August 8 and 22 at the same time. reports that in the first half of 2017, some 262 people overdosed on a mixture of cocaine (often crack cocaine) and opioids. According to the Medical Examiner’s Office, fentynyl was involved in some 85 percent of those deaths.

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health reported 1,217 overdose deaths in 2017, a 33 percent increase over 2016.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Deneene Graves Says:

    I am interested in the training for overdose/reversal training on July 11th

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