
Lifestyle art statues pop up near 48th and Market

February 7, 2019

Several art statues representing what appears to be the 1950’s lifestyle have been spotted on Market Street near 48th. The statues were placed on an empty lot near construction business T Depaul & Sons, but it doesn’t appear that they belong to it. Check out the photos sent to us by reader Shepard Ritzen: 

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Theresa Tsai Says:

    Our own Grounds for Sculpture? Seward Johnson bequests?

  2. B. Bonhomme Says:

    They’re getting progressively more elaborate…

  3. Linda Blythe Says:

    I think Theresa’s got it right. They look like works by J Seward Johnson. The kissing couple is called “Unconditional Surrender”. There a 20 foot tall version of it in downtown Sarasota, FL. There also a Johnson sculpture at Presby hospital in the central traffic circle. He also the guy that did the umbrella man statue that kept changing locations in center city. So cool that he’s apparently gifting us a temporary sculpture garden.

  4. A. Durham Says:

    I spoke to someone out doing work out there a couple months back and they said they were prepping for an art museum of sorts.. made sense when they popped up.

  5. Lisa Schwab Says:

    See this New York Times 2002 story about the artist:

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