
Authentic Mexican restaurant coming soon to 45th and Spruce (updated)

May 3, 2019

UPDATE (6/16/2019): Don Barriga Mexican Grill’s grand opening is on Sunday, June 16, from 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. You can try their dishes at 50% off today, according to co-owner “Guero” Barriga.

Just a few months after The Farmacy restaurant closing, a new eatery is coming to 45th and Spruce. A restaurant serving authentic Mexican dishes, Don Barriga Mexican Grill, is opening in the space soon, possibly even this month, according to the building owners.

Currently, the space is being remodeled/renovated.

Stay tuned for the opening date and more info.

11 Comments For This Post

  1. Livia Says:

    As in actually owned and operated by someone of Mexican heritage?

    West Philly has been missing that since Guacamole closed

  2. Carlos Barriga Says:

    That is right Livia, Mexican heritage.
    Come and enjoy of our GRAND OPENING!! tomorrow sunday June 16. We will be open from 11am-9 pm take advantage of our 50% discount.

  3. Livia Says:

    Since your phone number is on the sign in the window, does the 50% off apply to delivery? Is your menu online?

  4. Don Barriga Mexican Grill Says:

    Hi Livia,
    Absolutely the 50% off will apply for dine in pick up and delivery (delivery will be standard charge).
    Unfortunately online menu is not provided we will be working on it.
    Thanking you,
    Don Barriga Mexican Grill

  5. Keith Says:

    Welcome to the neighborhood! Any vegan options? Honest Tom’s is great but would be awesome to have some authentic Mexican food too!

  6. Lorrie Kim Says:

    Your breakfast was so delicious. We are excited to come back and try more of your menu items.

  7. Victor Says:

    Welcome to the neighborhood! I also want to echo Keith’s hope/request for vegan options 🙂 I can’t wait to stop by to support you!

  8. goldenmonkey Says:

    West Philly in a nutshell: our food has to 100% authentic! Oh, and also vegan.

  9. Jake Says:

    Having lived in Mexico for decades, I can assure you the two are not mutually exclusive, plenty of Mexican dishes are vegan. I guess you’d be surprised to know there are plenty of Mexican folks who are vegan.

  10. JJ Says:

    I’m just here to tell the vegans to go to Honest Toms. This is authentic Mexican food. Leave the menu alone!

  11. Lisa Says:

    West Philly in a nutshell: no real information about the indigenous Mexican diet, but willing to claim political correctness points by declaring “authentic” the “Mexican food” they eat in the U.S.:

    ” …Through her mobile kitchen, Alchemy Organica, she’s ushering a movement for people to ‘decolonize their diet,’ turning the idea of meat-heavy Mexican cuisine on its head by emphasizing its plant-based indigenous history.”

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