
City Council candidate Jamie Gauthier hosting last meet-and-greets before primary election

May 13, 2019

City Council candidate for the 3rd District, Jamie Gauthier, is hosting two last meet-and-greets this week before the May 21 primary election. Both of these meet-and-greets will take place at her campaign headquarters at 5121 Baltimore Ave.:

Wednesday, May 15
Time: 6pm-8pm

Thursday, May 16
Time: 6pm-8pm

All interested individuals are invited to meet Ms. Gauthier and ask questions. Free dinner will be served at both events.

Jamie Gauthier is running against long-term incumbent Jannie Blackwell in the primary election.

6 Comments For This Post

  1. Curious Says:

    Several Jannie Blackwell lawn signs have been ripped from my property over the past week or so. Anyone care to denounce this? It seems the closer one gets to Penn the less tolerance there is for resistance to neoliberal totalitarianism disguised as “progressivism.”

  2. Nick Lai Says:

    It is amazing how many gentrifiers are backing someone from who claims to be stopping gentrification. I guess that is why I see Jamie G’s signs everywhere.

  3. goldenmonkey Says:

    It’s probably because Blackwell is a poverty pimp who keeps people poor so that they’re thankful when she hands them a few dimes, and it makes a lot of us sick.

    Hey Nick, could you define “gentrifier” for me? Is it someone who doesn’t want to live in filth and crime? Or is it defined by the number of years one has lived in the neighborhood?

  4. Curious Says:

    No golden, this has been happening over the course of several weeks and was done by what look to be juvenile delinquents parading as “anarchists.” (The current generation of West Philly “anarchists” leaves much to be desired, especially by anarchist standards, and have no coherent understanding of class issues.)

    I think Nick is more on target here, though “gentrifier” is a loaded term which is cavalierly applied both to hard working people improving their neighborhoods and to cut-throat types from Center City, New York & elsewhere to suck the lifeblood of the community.

    Just as even hard core racists like David Duke now realize that tactically they have to deny they are racist, corporate parasites looking to swallow blocks up whole now use buzzwords like “anti-gentrification” to dupe clueless liberals into thinking they are “for the people.”

    Despite her faults, it’s obvious that corporate developers are hoping to destabilize the community by getting rid of Blackwell, after which they & their ilk can swoop in to capitalize on the remains. Guinther is clearly being used as a tool of corporate imperialism while she represents herself as the opposite.

    It’s clear to see where the race/class lines are here: “University City” is plastered with Guinther signs; west of 52nd St. it’s all Jannie. So it’s hard to know if white University City liberals and “progressives” are just clueless here, or outright complicit.

  5. Curious Says:

    Nope. This was done over the past two weeks by juvenile delinquents (who probably think they’re “anarchists”).

    It’s clear that corporate vultures are trying to destabilize West Philly in order to take full advantage of any vulnerabilities in our resistance to being swallowed up whole. It’s also clear where the claas/race lines are drawn: “Univesity City” is plastered with Guinther signs, west of 52nd St. is all Jannie.

    Once again the white liberals align themselves with corporate imperialism while hiding behind pretensions of supporting “diversity.”

  6. goldenmonkey Says:

    It’s hilarious to watch her defenders tie themselves in knots trying to make her into some “for the people” crusader when her very own self-profiteering legacy is bare in front of all.

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