
Police report high number of thefts from autos recently

May 15, 2019

There has been an uptick in thefts from cars in the area, according to police, with the most recent cases reported in the area of 41st and Market and 40th and Ludlow Streets. Thieves got entry inside cars by breaking windows, according to police.

In a recent tweet, Matthew Gillespie, the Commanding Officer of the 18th Police District, which covers West Philadelphia neighborhoods south of Market Street, reminded area residents and visitors who park their cars on the streets to take all their belongings from their vehicle: 

Nine thefts from vehicles were reported in University City District in March, according to UCD’s crime update released last month. Four vehicles were stolen, according to the report. As for the most recent cases, in the past two weeks, there were at least six thefts from cars south of Market, between 40th and 45th streets, and six thefts north of Market, in the Powelton/Mantua area, according to Crime Reports.

To keep up with crime reports in the area or if you have concerns about crime, residents are invited to monthly community meetings with police at the Calvary Center for Culture and Community (48th and Baltimore) every third Thursday of the month. The next meeting is tomorrow (May 16), from 6 to 7 p.m.

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