
Public hearing for proposed 5-story building on Millcreek Tavern site at 42nd and Chester

June 25, 2019

Millcreek Tavern (42nd and Chester).

A public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26 to discuss a proposal for a 5-story, 48-unit building at the corner of 42nd and Chester, currently the site of the Millcreek Tavern.

Core Development’s plans for 4200-4202 Chester call for the demolition of the Millcreek Tavern. The new building would include 5,500 square feet of ground floor commercial space. Necessary variances include number of units, the building height, parking and minimum open space. The property is zoned CMX-1. 

The developers included four affordable units in the plan following an informal presentation in December before the Spruce Hill Community Association zoning committee.

Core Development also owns properties nearby at 4134 Chester and 4213 Chester.

Southwest Philadelphia District Services is hosting this hearing, which begins at 6 p.m. in Rosenberger Hall, Room 101 on the University of the Sciences campus at 600 S. 43rd Street (across from the south end of Clark Park).

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Erin Says:

    Wow – 4 affordably units out of 48? They’re really bending over backwards there. And what are the chances that those disappear and they just pay the fine?

  2. Nope-W Says:

    Only 4 affordable units….wonder what’s that will cost. $900 for a studio?the madness needs to stop. It’s too many big buildings being built

  3. goldenmonkey Says:

    Wow, it’s almost like we live in a city.

    I’ll never understand this “affordable unit” garbage. There’s plenty of affordable housing in West Philadelphia. No need to put some in a couple of blocks from two universities.

  4. Jason White Says:

    Oh no an aparentemente building near other apartment buildings and light rail…THE HORROR! Every time our neighbors NIMBY these projects they force more construction of single family homes. THAT is what drives gentrification. Someone needs to tell Valerie that she’s forcing more rehabs and more neighbors will be displaced by by-right developments.

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