
Clarkville, Local 44 temporarily closed following staff protests

August 1, 2019

Restaurants Clarkville and Local 44, which are both owned by the same company, closed earlier this week while the owners “work internally with staff and the community to address what’s going on in a genuine and meaningful way,” according to co-owner Leigh Maida.

Staff members at Clarkville organized a walkout last weekend and protested outside the restaurant, located at 43rd and Baltimore, after one of their co-workers was fired, they believe, unjustly. There were also protests outside of Local 44 claiming bias in the restaurant’s employment practices. Many community members took to social media to express their concern over what has happened. 

“We are currently working with staff and others who have reached out to us in the community to address this issue internally for now, which is why we’ve been kind of quiet,” co-owner Leigh Maida wrote in an email. “So many people have learned of this issue through social media, and are demanding a response, but any genuine one is going to take us some time to formulate. We feel it’s really important to make space for an in-person dialogue so staff, management and the community can find a meaningful solution together… We don’t take our position in this neighborhood for granted, and we hope our guests understand that we are dedicated to not just resolving this matter, but coming out of this situation as stronger, better employers, neighbors and community members.”

Both restaurants will be closed this week and most of next week, with plans to reopen by Friday, Aug. 9.

Here’s an announcement on Clarkville’s Instagram page about the closing:


22 Comments For This Post

  1. James Proulx Says:

    What the hell happened? I haven’t been to Local 44 in about a month and stopped by last night only to see it was closed. What was the protest all about?

  2. Franky Says:

    If anyone investigates who the protester is, they’ll see why he was fired. The guy is nuts. His boss at a former job in San Francisco has a restraining order against him.

  3. Jon Bekken Says:

    If the guy is nuts then why did the entire staff (or so it seems) walk off the job? It seems clear that his co-workers thought it was so outrageous and unjust that they could not continue working for people who would do this.

  4. Anthony W. Says:

    why is RACISM an inconvinence?. to have a staff walk out is a statement. To refer to someone you don’t actually know as “nuts” shows your intelligence level …or lack thereof. Try to look past color and see the total person, or don’t have a manager who is not colorblind!

  5. clark park user Says:

    With racism very prevalent in the USA and the blatant MAGA BS going on I would like to believe I am sensitive to what RACISM is.

    “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”

    When I saw the demonstrator I was ready TO STAND WITH HIM.
    I asked the demonstrator about what happened he had no clear example of why he believes racism was the reason he was fired, He told me to talk to the owners I did.
    The owners made several attempts to work with discuss with and try to make whole the demonstrator.
    I witnessed 2 incidents when the owners tried to communicate with the demonstrator. The demonstrator was screaming at the owners calling them DEVILS EVIL AND RACIST. The FARMERS MARKET had to call for assistance because the demonstrator was screaming at people shopping at the market. Which is strange because he puts tape on his mouth.

    2 of my tenants work there I asked them what they thought. They too said NO racism.

    I asked the demonstrator if HE HAS his SAFE SERVE CERT. He does NOT. I asked did he get his TIPS training done HE HAS NOT. PA REQUIRES these certifications TO SERVE in a restaurant.
    I gave him EEOC AND ACLU DOCS to file discrimination at work HE REFUSED
    which I went to. Again no clear evidence of racism.
    I find this peculiar.
    We must also use a critical mind when judging persons accused of racism.
    Evidence based FACTS PROOF a pic a video a letter ANYTHING!
    in this instance NOTHING has been PRESENTED

  6. david Says:

    I might find this particular protest valid if
    He was not getting paid
    He had not done this to other employers he worked for.
    He was not sentenced to anger management and Psych services according to his record in San Fransisco for doing this same thing to another company
    He showed any proof of racism or in the least a report filed to EEOC ACLU anything.
    All I have seen is a angry guy being paid to self promote

  7. Kenisha Says:

    I tried to talk to him he just yelled saying go ask them they are racist I asked what he wants He stated they can burn in hell. That I should understand that WEST PHILLY is BLACK always will be.
    As a proud black woman I am conflicted I want to support my brother but I do not agree with his statements

  8. Walter Says:

    I’ve eaten at both places many times and I saw different nationalities working there.
    Im Black Hispanic they treated me my wife and my kids good

    Ya know False statements of racism as a tool for a self-serving agenda, give the people out there trying to make things better a difficult task.

    This is an example of abusing a marginalized community for personal gain
    His dishonesty is distracting from the good works of our community

  9. Austin American Says:

    People have a lot of opinions for things they may not know that much about. I think this reflects our biases as much as anything else. When, where, how can we really find out more and demand true accountability. This is important!

  10. Matilda Says:

    as per their Insta They are reopening Friday why not go and ask the owners see for yourself. I plan on going with an open mind to see for myself and listen to the remaining staff that are there maybe they can give an account separate from the parties involved.
    Who knows what’s really going on.

  11. Austin American Says:

    It is incredibly important to include the input of all the workers who may be “legally” excluded. How can we include their voices, too? Should there be a public forum?

  12. Matilda Says:

    @Austin What are you implying?

  13. Austin American Says:

    The dissident workers who management apparently wants to ban from the premises should be heard, for sure. Only then can the open-minded begin to draw conclusions about what is really going on.

  14. Matilda Says:

    @Austin Are you certain of these allegations or is it 2nd hand information?

    The false bravado and screaming discrimination when they themselves have made no effort to seek truth before trying cause a racial divide in the neighborhood. This is dangerous and outright evil.
    This neighborhood is a good place for all people Why tear it down?

    You say many people I saw 1 photo op. I see they are getting donations. I see Mr kick is paying them by his own admission on his gofundme that he started but wrote it likes its a third party.
    This alone leave room for many questions.
    There are many neighbors who do not know either party who are FED UP with mr Kicks screaming and yelling at women and children. We are fed up with his blocking traffic and taking over the seating outside of greenline.
    The neighbors did nothing to Mr. Kicks yet he treats us horribly! He is rude disrespectful and at times outright vulgar.
    His behavior has been so disturbing a petition is started for the court to intervene and have him check out by mental health.
    Any one has the right to protest they do not have the right to terrorize people who have nothing do with his demands.
    If therein racism why not take it to the courts like adults

  15. Austin American Says:

    @Matilda I’m simply saying that going for a meeting with the owners and the workers that stayed with them will not be enough. The discussion needs to include the ex-workers and also those in solidarity who they want to exclude by force of law.

    As a casual reader of this thread I had no way of understanding what was really going on. There simply was not enough information here in this thread. The mental health factors you assert may be part of the picture but the claims against management go beyond any one person. I still don’t feel that I have enough information to really understand but after doing more investigation, I have at least found these:

  16. Eleuthera Says:

    @Austin What do you mean, “banned from the premises?” One was fired; the rest quit. The “suing” was a petition to limit their protesting to 20 ft. away from the restaurants and to stop doxxing the owners and remaining staff on their signage. They all can continue to protest; they just can’t impede or harass people going in and out of either restaurant.

  17. chase Says:

    for a neighborhood that seems to boast its liberal values, I’m seeing alot of people (on this website, in the comments) quick to criticize workers and their rights in the workplace, stick up for up scale housing developers, condemn protesting, and blame the victims of police brutality.

    It seems that the only people using this site are the privileged upscale folk who benefit from gentrification, who are the irresponsible business owners, who are slum lords and who are new to west philly.

    Its inspiring to hear these folks got together and organized on their own behalf to demand a say in their working environment. The service industry is one of the least represented professions in the labor force. Where the business owners get away with not paying wages, where workers are made to feel expendable, where abuse of workers rights run rampant.

    so what they didnt file an official complaint with some agency, this obviously has been a more effective way to get things done.

    so what they didnt have their proper certificates such as safe serv, that shows the incompetence and lack of training provided by the employer. (yes they should pay for the training and make sure everyone has the cert, if they give a shit)

    I’ve known people to work for both places, and have heard of how shitty the management is to its workforce for years. Regardless if this one dude may be a kook, his fellow co workers are tired of being underpaid, pushed around and discriminated against and hopefully this empowers them and sets a precedent for anybody paying attention in a similar situation.

  18. Austin American Says:

    The picture of what happened is still emerging but having the solidarity strikersn threatened with legal measures for complaining about management and its racism, islamophobia, homophobia and etc., does not make simply going to the reopened restaurant and talking to the owners and the workers who remained a credible option.

    Something stinks here and only by hearing also from those fired and/or marginalized can we begin to understand what really happened. Based on what is emerging, it’s not looking so good for management, who are using most every hackneyed move in the anti-worker playbook.

  19. eloise Says:

    I am sick of this shiest That guy is a paid actor and instigator he has been arrested in many states for this behavior. Where is all his paid support now? Only he is out there. Now he screams at every one and any one
    Calling all white racist saying all whites need to be killed!
    I don’t know any of them and I do not care the issue that started it but him threatening me and my kids for BEING WHITE calling me a DEVIL in front of my children

  20. goldenmonkey Says:

    Where does this guy hang out?

    Definitely call the police.

  21. elle bennette Says:

    Between 42 and 43 on Baltimore.
    The police have moved him several times He just comes back and screams that the police are weaponized against him.
    There is a mommy group and a fathers group that are thinking of calling the chief of police because the local police seem to be powerless to do anything.
    at this point I don’t care what he is upset about he must stop molesting people on the streets.
    Some one is going to get hurt soon then what?

  22. Daniel White Says:

    Safe Serve is required to get a job in food service PERIOD the company is not required to pay for it. This pain in the Arse cries and screams about unfair? Its unfair we have to walk on eggshell so this whiney brat is not offended Because he is black? I say enough This guy got fired for cause he is notorious for doing these demonstrations he has been in a psych ward 5 times HIS mother is afraid of him.
    If the police don’t get a handle on him I believe the neighborhood might take it into their own hands ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
    If he touches my wife or kids he’ll pull back a stump Just saying

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