
Police disperse large, ‘unruly’ crowd in Malcolm X Park

August 11, 2019

Police broke up a large crowd that gathered in Malcolm X Park on Saturday night, according to reports. As many as 200 people gathered in the park at around 8 p.m. on Saturday and became increasingly aggressive, throwing objects at officers, 6ABC reports.

The crowd was dispersed after extra police help was brought in. A police helicopter was also seen in the area.

Some arrests were made, but it’s not clear yet how many people were arrested. No injuries were reported.


13 Comments For This Post

  1. Robyn Says:

    So people used a public space for it’s intended purpose and cops interfered. Got it.

  2. Adam Rice Says:

    If you would report the story, you would find that many immediate neighbors of Malcolm X Park witnessed this and are saying that there was no justification for the police action. No fight, no violence, no unruly behavior, nothing aggressive until the police interfered.

  3. West Philly Says:

    Just throwing things at officers when they arrived but nothing going on before that. Right! I stopped going to Malcolm X. One reason – it was filthy with near-empty trashcans and a hangout for people drinking beer out of plastic bags leering at you. But hey, let’s blame the police.

  4. Q Says:

    Leering at YOU likely because you were being nosy and possibly a gentrifier. I have never experienced that at that park. West Philly native and worked across the street from there for 3 years.

  5. 48Q1 Says:

    Thank you Philly PD! 99.9% of the neighborhood appreciates your efforts!

  6. That Guy Says:

    “Leering at YOU likely because you were being nosy and possibly a gentrifier”

    Nosy for walking through a park and being stared at? Also, how exactly does one identify a gentrifier by sight?

  7. West Philly Says:

    @ Q – Funny. As a gentrifier maybe because I’m white? Nosy because I’m walking through a public park? Seriously, I grew in in Philly and if I’m a gentrifier, Malcolm X Park needs more like me – people who pick up after themselves, don’t get wasted on the benches, and have sufficient vocabulary where every sentence isn’t sprinkled with MFer.

  8. goldenmonkey Says:

    Don’t worry Q, Upper Darby will be waiting for you when you get priced out.

  9. Austin American Says:

    It’s hard to see how anyone could support the police in perpetrating racist violence:

  10. Lauren Says:

    @West Philly – Your rhetoric is off-base and offensive. As a white woman, I’ve been afforded the privilege of sitting in Rittenhouse during summer concerts (music blasting til 9pm, park FULL, with bottles of wine, and stayed until the sprinklers came on. Never did police break up the singing and dancing when it was all white people. I’ve also never been to a city park that didn’t have people drinking on benches, litter, and being yelled at (have you been in Washington Sq Park after dark?). I’ve also only been approached with kindness in this park when I walk through, so I’m not sure what glares you’re receiving. Malcolm X park is no different. It’s sad and unjust that police cannot allow young black neighbors to enjoy a public park the way young white kids can.

  11. West Philly Says:

    @Lauren – Glad you’re a privileged white woman. Too bad if you’re offended. Doesn’t take much these days. Do you live near Malcolm X Park? I did for years. No comparison between Rittenhouse and Malcolm X. And it has nothing to do with color. The only reason I mentioned whiteness was when someone said I must be nosy and a gentrifier (whatever that means). If the gathering was peaceful as the organizers claim then the police overreacted. However, I’ve been around long enough to question that narrative. But time will tell.

  12. Lauren Says:

    @West Philly – I think you missed my entire point, but oh well. And yes, I live a block from the park which is how I can comment on not having any of the same sentiments as you do/did.

  13. Grace O'Donnell Says:

    I was at 49th and Pine. People left promptly. The police turn out was over kill. I mean copters circling with spotlights shining in the park. Don’t know who called the cops, but maybe live and let live (like old West Philly). And, I don’t drink on the Street, but,I can’t say I have ever been bothered when others do so (low key with a bag covering the contents).

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