
Medical marijuana dispensary proposed near 43rd and Walnut; community meeting on Monday

August 16, 2019

Healthcare center at 4237 Walnut Street where a marijuana dispensary may be coming.

A medical marijuana dispensary licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health is being proposed at 4237 Walnut Street. A current operation is in Plymouth Meeting and the health care facility (ILERA Health Care) is interested in a West Philadelphia location, according to Spruce Hill Zoning Committee Chair Barry Grossbach.

Residents are invited this upcoming Monday, Aug. 19 to the monthly Spruce Hill community zoning meeting to learn more about this proposal and others. An application for a zoning variance hasn’t been filed yet, according to Grossbach, and the meeting is informational only at this time. “The company has indicated an interest in maximum transparency on how such a facility operates given the newness of this operation,” Grossbach wrote in an email announcement. The site at 43rd and Walnut has served as a Rite Aid and as home to a variety of health related operators before. 

Monday’s meeting will also discuss the proposed seven-story building with ground floor commercial and 24 residential units at 4000-04 Market Street that was already approved in November 2017. A new application has been filed with the Zoning Board of Adjustment for an expansion of this project. The new application seeks to consolidate adjacent lots (4002-04) and demolish existing structures for erection of ground floor commercial and an additional 42 residential units on floors 2-7, with a mechanical elevator, roof access structure and 14 bicycle spaces.

The meeting will take place at the Spruce Hill Community Association Office at 257 S. 45th Street, beginning at 7 p.m. All interested residents and neighbors are invited to attend and ask questions and offer comments.

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Christina Williams Says:

    What will happen to the existing residents @ both location?

  2. Robyn Biv Says:

    This article is incorrect there are alot more than three dispensaries jn the state. I welcome easier access to my medication. We would not demand folks travel across town and take multiple buses to get their other medications. For anyone concerned about community impact please know that this is the same as a pharmacy and the dispensaries are set up much like a bank. No one uses the products in or around any of the dispensaries I’ve been to.

  3. Timothy Reimer Says:

    Until our city and state governments expunge the records of people convicted of possessing or selling marijuana and stop making new arrests I don’t want to see for profit business selling drugs in the neighborhood.

  4. Matt Bennett Says:

    I support this medical facility in my neighborhood. As for the poster above’s comments on expungements, I agree there should be automatic expungements of smallscale posession charges. While demanding this legal approach, we shouldn’t deny access to this medicine for those who need it in the meantime.

  5. Georgious Foxxy Says:

    That block always looks pretty baked out as is. I’m vibin’ on this propo.

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