
Spruce Street closures starting this Saturday for Penn’s student move-ins

August 16, 2019

The University of Pennsylvania Division of Public Safety has announced the following closures of Spruce Street to accommodate students moving into dorms for the 2019-2020 academic year:

Saturday, Aug. 17:
From 34th Street to 38th Street: 6:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Aug. 20:
From 34th to 38th: 6:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, Aug. 21:
From 34th to 38th: 6:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 24:
From 38th to 40th: 6:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. 

Traffic restrictions apply to all vehicles, including bicycles. SEPTA buses will also be rerouted around the closures (please check for more information). Delays should be expected in the area during the closures.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Penn Trification Says:

    So the Ivy League school that shall not be named is once again closing Spruce Street to traffic so that they can move in their precious students. I thought with the closure of the Chestnut Street bridge that they would not do that this year, but god forbid they slightly inconvenience mom and dad as they drop off their kids. This is why West Philly hates them.

  2. John Says:

    Since the school and health system are the #1 employer by employee number in the city and with that brings in a huge amount of people who spend money in the area, I see no reason they can’t do that. Its such a minor inconvenience, why get upset about it.

    I’m going to guarantee that most of West Philly is happy for their patronage.

  3. gol Says:

    It’s crazy that Penn started this in 2019. It’s almost like the city’s biggest private employer has been doing this for years and those of us who aren’t transplants understand this and adjust accordingly.

    Man, I wish Baltimore was open.

    Oh wait, it is.

  4. J Says:

    Baltimore ends before the Spruce closure begins.

    Also, what does being the “#1 employer” have to do with anything?

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