
Car break-ins, thefts from autos still a big problem

September 5, 2019

An uptick in thefts from autos was reported back in May in the 18th Police District, which covers West Philadelphia neighborhoods south of Market Street, and the number of such thefts and car break-ins has remained high throughout the summer, according to several crime alerts from police.

Last Thursday, a string of thefts from cars parked on the 4800 block of Hazel all the way to the 5100 block of Hazel was reported. The thefts took place between the early morning hours of 2 a.m. to 4:30 a.m.. Check out this video: 

In another recent tweet, police ask residents to take any valuable items from their car with them, or anything that can entice a thief’s curiosity:

This map shows thefts from vehicles reported in the past month (for more info, go to

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