
Holidays are coming, package theft on the rise

November 26, 2019

As package deliveries pick up during the holidays, so do package thefts. University City District has sent out an alert in its monthly Crime Update about an increase of package thefts from porches in November and December. The newsletter also includes these tips on how to prevent package thefts:

  • Avoid leaving unattended packages on stoops or porches.
  • If possible, have packages sent to a workplace or other secure location.
  • If you’re shipping items using Amazon, take advantage of one of the Amazon locker locations in the area.

Overall, 40 serious crimes were reported in the University City area in October, according to the latest University City Crime Update. Five arrests were made in connection to those crimes, including three robberies (with no weapon involved) – at 48th and Spruce, 47th and Chestnut, and 35th and Pearl Streets.

Thefts from autos continue to be a problem in the area, with 14 cases reported to the police in October. Ten vehicles were stolen. Check out the map below with more information about crimes in the University City District in October.


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