
Millcreek Tavern vandalized on New Year’s Day

January 3, 2020

Millcreek Tavern, located at 42nd and Chester, was sprayed with graffiti overnight on January 1, according to reports. A few windows were also broken. Owner Jack Gillespie told the Washington Examiner that the damage was estimated at approximately $20,000. 

The graffiti reads “FCK Piss Boys” and the vandalism is likely related to the backlash the restaurant received after a November incident when the management was accused allowing the Proud Boys, a right-wing group, to have a gathering at the restaurant, reportedly for recruitment purposes. The owner, however, denied that any recruitment was going on at the restaurant and also said that he believed it was members of a different group, Turning Point USA, who gathered at his restaurant, according to his post on Millcreek Tavern’s Facebook page.

Gillespie believes local Antifa members are responsible for the vandalism, which has occurred for the second time since the November incident.

22 Comments For This Post

  1. West Philly Says:

    Whatever one thinks of the proud boys or whoever was at the tavern, we still live in a country with freedom of speech. However if it was Antifa they are the most blatant, fascist cowards of our day, graffiti in the dark of night and covering their faces whenever they protest. If it wasn’t Antifa the above is still true.

  2. Philly West Says:

    Oh please. Freedom of speech involves protection against government incursion. There is no state actiin here. So this “analysis” doesn’t fly.

    Second, there isn’t proof of “Antifa.” There are plenty of people opposed to fascistic, Hate Group activities in Philly.

    Third, trying to call anti-fascists, “fascists” is really just outing oneself as a fascist.

    Last, no, your other claims are not true.

    Why don’t you unmask your self of one or more of the Facebook community groups discussing this matter? I bet you don’t want to do so because you’d be schooled.

  3. Grace O'Donnell Says:

    “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent!” Isaac Asimov

  4. Goldenmonkey Says:

    Wow, those children are so so “woke” they destroyed someone property.

  5. John Notacop Says:

    It was this group. They admitted to doing it right on their Philly Anticap blog. Violent Idiots.

    idk if the link works but here it is.

  6. Anti-Fascist Says:

    Hmm. Those that equate property destruction with violence should probably have much stronger words for what the Proud Boys and their ilk do.

    Anyway, it does not appear that “A weary, happy, gay anarchist crew” is synonymous with that or any blog- just that it was a tagline to an anonymous submission. So maybe read- and think- a bit more carefully next time?

  7. CUonSouthStreet Says:

    This dram shop has security cameras and hopefully one of the other buildings at that intersection do too. My guess is cameras do exist where the help call box is, which is also located at that intersection. So yeah, we can let the footage determine who was responsible or we can just continue throwing out baseless accusations.

    That internet link or whatever that was is laughably tenuous, dubious at best. I’ve seen more convincing headlines in the Weekly World News. I guess people drop their BS detectors when the BS serves to help them.

    The owner is a dyed in the wool conservative. Yeah, I’ve heard him go on a tear during some of his ‘colorful’ soliloquies, some that would make Pat Buchanan blush, especially during the last election cycle or if Fox News is got him rile(y)d up. Nevertheless (caution, important message and crux of my rant to follow…) breaking the windows of the Mill Creek Tavern is stupid and irresponsible and unjustified. The better solution to settle differences would be to simply not patronize his dram shop. If he is on his high horse, I prefer just to finish my drink, mind my own business, act like a human being, maybe wave and then leave. It appears that most have taken that approach. The place is empty. This place has hosted some pretty fantastic anarcho punk and metal bands over the years (Grief, Drop Dead, Cress, etc.) The owner is allowed to be a dyed in the wool conservative. He is allowed his political views same as anyone else, even those bored enough to read this far into my comment. If he is the one responsible for the vandalism in order to take he upper hand in some unimportant beef with an anti-racist group, that is also stupid. No matter who did it, the act is criminal. Let the cameras show us.

  8. American Dream Says:

    TPUSA and anti-Semitic metal bands are almost as bad as Proud Boys. Certainly they are in the same league.

    The owner doesn’t seem to care all that much about hiding his political sensibilities. It’s not the kind of business I would patronize, that’s for sure.

  9. Mike M Says:

    So, is the owner supposed to screen every patron’s political background? He is in the business of selling beer. People get too tied up in all this political BS. Everyone does not agree with your politics. Did this group visiting the bar for a few beers do anything illegal? I haven’t read anything stating so. Do we need background checks now to go out for a few beers?

    If you don’t like the clientele, you are free to drink somewhere else. This is America, right?
    Why does the Southern Poverty Law Center get to define everything for everyone? What makes their opinion better than everyone else?

  10. Peregrine Says:

    There’s a price to collaborating with fascists. Bravo. F*** free speech for Nazis. Get real folks.

  11. American Dream Says:

    The Proud Boys are a dangerous gang of far right bullies. It should not be even slightly surprising that they would be unwelcome in our neighborhood.

  12. Colonialsanders Says:

    Honestly the owner is just chasing the buck. He lets anyone in. Not news. Anyone with a wallet. I mean come on. He may be racist (who really knows but him) but the point remains that he lets ANYONE into his bar. If you don’t like that policy, he’ll still let you in…but maybe you should try to find a bar, restaurant, coffee shop, etc. that doesn’t let everyone in, like the racist Starbucks in Rittenhouse.

    Which one is worse?

  13. American Dream Says:

    The owner really does have far right sympathies, from everything I hear. One good response is to boycott him. Since the building is apparently sold, the quicker he vacates, the less chance there is of more reactionary activity.

  14. goldenmonkey Says:

    “from everything I hear”

    There you go folks. He/she read it somewhere, so now it’s reality.

  15. American Dream Says:

    The guy’s a right winger, that is clear. The things he said when he went squawking to the reactionary media makes that obvious.

  16. American Dream Says:

    Gwen, a neighbor who has been severely targeted by the Proud Boys has good advice for those who want to fight back against the reactionaries. Her article is entitled: Beyond Hashtags 7 Steps for Fighting the Alt-Right.

  17. American Dream Says:

    You can find it here:

  18. goldenmonkey Says:

    Oh you sweet summer child. Thankfully your hovel at 52nd and Haverford will soon be razed.

  19. American Dream Says:

    Everybody knows that 330 Philadelphia Police officers were identified for their bigoted, far right beliefs- and that was only the tip of the iceberg.

    So where is anti-fascist power going to come from? Clearly from outside and beyond the racist, corrupt cops who serve the powers that be…

  20. 63rd n Says:

    Speaking objectively and not intending to make fun as I have kids myself, it seems like the Proud Boys fraternity is attempting to cope with mommy issues. They say ‘proud of your boy’ a lot. I am sorry if I offended anyone on this thread.

  21. American Dream Says:

    I’m sure the original Nazis had lots and lots of psychological issues. This didn’t make them one iota less dangerous however…

  22. American Dream Says:

    The Philly cops who post reactionary propaganda are significant. Fortunately, the database which identified at least 328 active duty police officers here in Philly is available to all and is even searchable by badge number:

    The hatred and violence conveyed may be highly upsetting- as well it should be.

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