
Abyssinia expansion/outdoor seating proposal update

January 15, 2020

Abyssinia, the popular Ethiopian restaurant located at the corner of 45th and Locust, is eyeing expansion into the adjacent space on S. 45th Street (a former laundromat) and also wants to offer outdoor seating.

“They are in early stages and will have to apply for their expansion [to the City’s Zoning Board of Adjustment] and come back once they have a refusal,” says Spruce Hill Community Association Zoning Committee Chair Barry Grossbach following a meeting on the plan.

The Spruce Hill Community Association Zoning Committee will work with the restaurant on plotting out the outdoor seating area, but will also insist on a reasonable closing time for the outdoor area, taking into consideration the nearby residential housing, according to Grossbach.

A closing time of 10:00 p.m. was suggested at the meeting. The zoning committee also assigned a couple of members who live nearby to work out details with the restaurant for committee consideration, according to Grossbach.

The next zoning meeting will take place on February 10th.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Goldenmonkey Says:

    Something something something…gentrification

  2. TopArchitect Says:

    I would relish to see expansion of this West Philadelphia gem. Good and authentic. The interior just deserves a modern renovation. Believe me, I have worked on several popular restaurants in Philadelphia and yes, New York City.

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